Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) in Computer Networks

Variable Length Subnet Masking in computer networks

Welcome to the world of Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM), where we break free from the shackles of traditional subnetting and enjoy the freedom of creating subnets of varying sizes. In this in-depth article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of VLSM, including its benefits, implementation, and troubleshooting.

What is VLSM?

In traditional subnetting, all subnets have the same size, which can result in inefficient use of IP addresses. With VLSM, we can create subnets of varying sizes, which allows us to conserve IP addresses and use them more efficiently.

VLSM is a technique used to divide an IP network into smaller subnets of different sizes. It allows us to allocate IP addresses according to the exact needs of each subnet, instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach. For example, we can create a subnet with 30 hosts and another subnet with 60 hosts, instead of using a subnet with a fixed size of 64 hosts.

Benefits of VLSM

VLSM provides several benefits, including:

  • Efficient use of IP addresses: VLSM allows us to allocate IP addresses according to the exact needs of each subnet, which results in more efficient use of IP addresses.
  • Flexibility: VLSM provides the flexibility to create subnets of different sizes, which can be useful in situations where we have limited IP addresses.
  • Scalability: VLSM allows us to scale our network more efficiently by conserving IP addresses and creating subnets of varying sizes.
  • Reduced network complexity: VLSM can help reduce network complexity by creating subnets of the exact size needed, instead of using larger subnets that may not be fully utilized.

Implementation of VLSM

Implementing VLSM requires a basic understanding of binary and subnetting. In VLSM, we use a subnet mask that is different for each subnet, which allows us to create subnets of varying sizes.

Here’s how to implement VLSM:

  1. Identify the network address and subnet mask of the overall network.
  2. Determine the number of hosts needed for each subnet.
  3. Convert the number of hosts needed for each subnet into binary.
  4. Determine the number of bits required to represent the binary number of hosts needed for each subnet.
  5. Create subnets of the required size by borrowing bits from the host portion of the subnet mask.
  6. Assign IP addresses to each subnet.

Let’s take an example to understand the implementation of VLSM:

Suppose we have an IP network with the address, and we want to create three subnets with the following number of hosts:

  • Subnet 1: 30 hosts
  • Subnet 2: 60 hosts
  • Subnet 3: 90 hosts

To implement VLSM, we’ll follow these steps:

  1. Identify the network address and subnet mask: The network address is, and the subnet mask is /24.
  2. Determine the number of hosts needed for each subnet: Subnet 1 needs 30 hosts, Subnet 2 needs 60 hosts, and Subnet 3 needs 90 hosts.
  3. Convert the number of hosts needed for each subnet into binary:
  • Subnet 1: 0011110 (30 in binary)
  • Subnet 2: 0111100 (60 in binary)
  • Subnet 3: 1011010 (90 in binary)
  1. Determine the number of bits required to represent the binary number of hosts needed for each subnet:
  • Subnet 1: 5 bits
  1. Create subnets of the required size by borrowing bits from the host portion of the subnet mask:

To create Subnet 1, we need 5 bits to represent 30 hosts in binary. We’ll borrow 5 bits from the host portion of the subnet mask, which leaves us with a subnet mask of /29 ( This gives us a subnet range of –

To create Subnet 2, we need 6 bits to represent 60 hosts in binary. We’ll borrow 6 bits from the host portion of the subnet mask, which leaves us with a subnet mask of /26 ( This gives us a subnet range of –

To create Subnet 3, we need 7 bits to represent 90 hosts in binary. We’ll borrow 7 bits from the host portion of the subnet mask, which leaves us with a subnet mask of /25 ( This gives us a subnet range of –

  1. Assign IP addresses to each subnet:

For Subnet 1, we can assign IP addresses in the range of –, with as the network address and as the broadcast address.

For Subnet 2, we can assign IP addresses in the range of –, with as the network address and as the broadcast address.

For Subnet 3, we can assign IP addresses in the range of –, with as the network address and as the broadcast address.

And voila! We have successfully implemented VLSM.

Troubleshooting VLSM

VLSM can be tricky to implement, and troubleshooting can be even trickier. Here are some common issues you may encounter while implementing VLSM:

  • Overlapping subnets: Overlapping subnets can occur if the subnets created using VLSM overlap with each other. To avoid this, make sure to carefully plan your subnets and double-check your calculations before implementation.
  • Incorrect subnet masks: Using incorrect subnet masks can cause issues with routing and communication between subnets. Make sure to double-check your subnet masks and verify that they are correctly applied.
  • Misconfigured IP addresses: Misconfigured IP addresses can cause issues with communication between devices. Double-check your IP addresses and verify that they are correctly assigned to the appropriate subnet.
  • Insufficient IP addresses: Insufficient IP addresses can occur if the subnets created using VLSM are not large enough to accommodate all the devices on the network. Make sure to carefully plan your subnets and take into account future growth and expansion.

If you encounter any issues while implementing VLSM, don’t panic! Take a step back, re-evaluate your subnetting plan, and double-check your calculations.


In conclusion, VLSM is a powerful technique that allows us to create subnets of varying sizes and conserve IP addresses more efficiently. With VLSM, we can create subnets that are tailored to the exact needs of each network, which can result in increased efficiency, flexibility, scalability, and reduced network complexity.

It is important to note that VLSM is not without its challenges. It requires careful planning, precise calculations, and a deep understanding of subnetting and IP addressing. However, with careful implementation and troubleshooting, VLSM can be an incredibly valuable tool in the network engineer’s arsenal.

As networks continue to grow and evolve, VLSM will become even more important in conserving IP addresses and optimizing network performance. With the advent of IPv6 and its massive address space, VLSM may not be as critical as it once was, but it remains a valuable technique in today’s networks.

Whether you are a seasoned network engineer or just starting out in the field, understanding VLSM is an essential skill. With VLSM, you can create efficient, scalable, and flexible networks that can adapt to the changing needs of your organization. So next time you’re subnetting a network, consider using VLSM to make the most of your IP address space!

Thank you for reading this article on Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) in computer networks! I hope you found the information presented here to be useful and informative.

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Constantly learning & adapting to new technologies. Passionate about solving complex problems with code. #programming #softwareengineering

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