Greedy Algorithms in DSA: An Overview

Greedy Algorithm in dsa

Greedy algorithms are a powerful technique used in computer science and data structures to solve optimization problems. They work by making the locally optimal choice at each step, in the hope that this will lead to a globally optimal solution. In other words, a greedy algorithm chooses the best option available at each stage of the problem, without considering the overall future consequences of that choice.

Greedy algorithms are simple to implement and fast to run, making them a popular choice for solving many problems. However, they are not always guaranteed to produce the optimal solution, and may even lead to suboptimal results in some cases. This is because the greedy algorithm only considers the immediate next step, without looking at the bigger picture.

In this article, we will explore the concepts of greedy algorithms in detail, including their advantages, disadvantages, and common applications. We will also provide several examples to help illustrate these concepts.

The Basics of Greedy Algorithms

The Greedy Choice Property

The key characteristic of a greedy algorithm is the greedy choice property, which states that the locally optimal choice should be made at each step. This means that the algorithm chooses the option that provides the maximum benefit at that moment, without considering the future consequences of that choice.

For example, consider the problem of making change for a given amount of money. A greedy algorithm for this problem would choose the largest possible coin denomination at each step, until the total amount has been reached. This works because the largest coin denominations are always worth more than the smaller ones, so choosing them first provides the maximum benefit.

The Optimal Substructure Property

Another important property of greedy algorithms is the optimal substructure property. This means that the optimal solution to a problem can be constructed from the optimal solutions to its subproblems.

For example, consider a problem where we need to find the shortest path between two points in a graph. If we know the shortest path between two intermediate points in the graph, then we can combine these paths to form the shortest path between the original two points. This property allows us to break down complex problems into smaller subproblems, and solve them using greedy algorithms.

Advantages of Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms have several advantages over other optimization techniques:


Greedy algorithms are simple to understand and implement, making them a popular choice for solving many problems. They don’t require complex data structures or algorithms, and can often be solved using basic arithmetic operations.


Greedy algorithms are generally very fast to run, since they only consider the immediate next step at each stage. This makes them a good choice for problems with large input sizes, where other optimization techniques may be too slow.


Greedy algorithms can often produce accurate results, even if they don’t always produce the optimal solution. In many cases, the suboptimal solution produced by a greedy algorithm may be good enough for practical purposes.

Disadvantages of Greedy Algorithms

Despite their many advantages, greedy algorithms also have several disadvantages:


Greedy algorithms are not always guaranteed to produce the optimal solution, and may even lead to suboptimal results in some cases. This is because the algorithm only considers the immediate next step, without looking at the bigger picture.


Once a choice has been made by a greedy algorithm, it cannot be undone or reversed. This means that if a suboptimal choice is made early on, it may have a cascading effect on the rest of the algorithm, making it difficult to recover from.

Dependency on Input

The performance of a greedy algorithm can be highly dependent on the input data. In some cases, the input data may be structured in such a way that a greedy algorithm is guaranteed to produce the optimal solution. In other cases, however, the input data may be structured in a way that makes a greedy algorithm perform poorly.

Applications of Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms have a wide range of applications in computer science and data structures. Some common examples include:

Huffman Coding

Huffman coding is a compression technique used to reduce the size of data by encoding it in a more efficient way. It works by using a greedy algorithm to construct a binary tree, where the most frequently occurring characters are assigned the shortest bit codes.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm is a shortest path algorithm used to find the shortest path between two points in a graph. It works by using a greedy algorithm to iteratively select the node with the smallest distance from the starting node, until the destination node is reached.

Kruskal’s Algorithm

Kruskal’s algorithm is a minimum spanning tree algorithm used to find the minimum weight tree that connects all nodes in a graph. It works by iteratively adding the edge with the smallest weight that does not create a cycle, until all nodes are connected.

Interval Scheduling

Interval scheduling is a problem where we need to schedule a set of tasks that have fixed start and end times, so that we can complete as many tasks as possible without conflicting with each other. This problem can be solved using a greedy algorithm that selects the task with the earliest end time at each step.

Fractional Knapsack

The fractional knapsack problem is a variant of the knapsack problem, where we need to pack a subset of items with given weights and values into a knapsack with a fixed capacity, so as to maximize the total value of the items packed. This problem can be solved using a greedy algorithm that selects the items with the highest value-to-weight ratio at each step.

Coin Change

The coin change problem is a problem where we need to make change for a given amount of money, using the minimum number of coins possible. This problem can be solved using a greedy algorithm that selects the largest possible coin denomination at each step.

Examples of Greedy Algorithms

To help illustrate the concepts of greedy algorithms, let’s look at some specific examples.

Example 1: Coin Change

Suppose we have the following denominations of coins: 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, and 25 cents. We need to make change for 67 cents. What is the minimum number of coins we can use?

A greedy algorithm for this problem would choose the largest possible coin denomination at each step, until the total amount has been reached. Using this algorithm, we would first choose a 25 cent coin, leaving us with 42 cents. Next, we would choose a 25 cent coin again, leaving us with 17 cents. We would then choose a 10 cent coin, leaving us with 7 cents. Finally, we would choose three 1 cent coins, for a total of 67 cents.

This algorithm produces the minimum number of coins possible (four coins), but it only works for the specific coin denominations given. In general, the coin change problem may not have a unique solution using a greedy algorithm.

Example 2: Interval Scheduling

Suppose we have the following set of tasks with fixed start and end times:

TaskStart TimeEnd Time

We need to schedule as many tasks as possible without conflicting with each other. What is the maximum number of tasks we can schedule?

A greedy algorithm for this problem would select the task with the earliest end time at each step. Using this algorithm, we would first select task A, since it has the earliest end time. This leaves us with the following remaining tasks:

TaskStart TimeEnd Time

Next, we would select task B, since it has the earliest end time among the remaining tasks. This leaves us with the following remaining tasks:

TaskStart TimeEnd Time

We would then select task D, since it has the earliest end time among the remaining tasks. This leaves us with the following remaining tasks:

TaskStart TimeEnd Time

Finally, we would select task E, since it has the earliest end time among the remaining tasks. This leaves us with the following remaining tasks:

TaskStart TimeEnd Time

We can only schedule a maximum of four tasks using this algorithm (tasks A, B, D, and E).

Example 3: Fractional Knapsack

Suppose we have the following set of items with weights and values:


We need to pack a subset of these items into a knapsack with a maximum capacity of 50 units. We can use a greedy algorithm to solve this problem by selecting items with the highest value-to-weight ratio first.

First, we calculate the value-to-weight ratio for each item:

ItemWeightValueValue-to-Weight Ratio

Next, we sort the items in descending order by value-to-weight ratio:

ItemWeightValueValue-to-Weight Ratio

Starting with the first item (item A), we add it to the knapsack since it has the highest value-to-weight ratio. This leaves us with 40 units of capacity remaining in the knapsack.

Next, we consider the second item (item B). Since it has a value-to-weight ratio of 5, we can add 2 units of it to the knapsack, leaving us with 20 units of capacity remaining.

Finally, we consider the last item (item C). Since it has a value-to-weight ratio of 4, we can add 0.67 units of it to the knapsack, leaving us with a total value of 160 and a total weight of 30.

This algorithm produces an optimal solution for the given problem.


Greedy algorithms are a concept in computer science and data structures, offering fast and efficient solutions to a wide range of optimization problems. While they have their limitations, they can often produce accurate and useful results even without guaranteeing optimality.

By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of greedy algorithms, we can make informed decisions about when to use them and how to best apply them to a given problem. With practice and experience, we can become proficient in using greedy algorithms to solve complex optimization problems and make our code more efficient and effective.



Constantly learning & adapting to new technologies. Passionate about solving complex problems with code. #programming #softwareengineering

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