High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) in Computer Networking

High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)

1. Introduction to HDLC

When it comes to data communication in computer networks, High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) is one of the most widely used protocols. HDLC is a layer 2 protocol that provides reliable and efficient data transfer between devices. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at HDLC and explore its various features and functions.

1.1 Definition of HDLC

HDLC is a data link layer protocol that is used to transmit data over point-to-point and multipoint links. It was first introduced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1979 and is now widely used in many communication systems, including ISDN, X.25, and Frame Relay.

1.2 Brief history of HDLC

The development of HDLC was a collaborative effort by several organizations, including the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT), Bell Labs, and IBM. The initial goal of HDLC was to provide a standardized protocol for data communication that would be compatible with various computer systems.

Over the years, HDLC has undergone several revisions and improvements to enhance its functionality and efficiency. Today, HDLC is widely used in various communication systems and has become a de facto standard in the industry.

1.3 Applications of HDLC

HDLC is used in a wide range of applications, including telecommunications, networking, and embedded systems. Some of the popular applications of HDLC include:

  • ISDN: HDLC is used as the data link layer protocol for Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), which is a high-speed digital network that provides voice, data, and video services.
  • X.25: HDLC is used as the data link layer protocol for X.25, which is a packet-switched network protocol that provides reliable data transmission over long distances.
  • Frame Relay: HDLC is used as the data link layer protocol for Frame Relay, which is a high-speed packet-switched network technology that provides data transfer services.
  • Point-to-point communication: HDLC is also used for point-to-point communication between two devices, such as between a computer and a printer.

2. HDLC Frame Structure

The HDLC protocol uses a frame structure to transmit data over a network. The frame consists of several fields that provide information about the data being transmitted. Let’s take a closer look at the different fields of an HDLC frame.

2.1 Frame format

The HDLC frame format consists of the following fields:

  • Flag: The flag field is a delimiter that marks the beginning and end of an HDLC frame. It consists of a unique bit pattern (01111110) and is used to identify the start and end of each frame.
  • Address: The address field is used to identify the destination device or devices that the frame is intended for. It can be a single address or a group address.
  • Control: The control field is used to provide information about the type of frame being transmitted, such as whether it is a data frame, supervisory frame, or unnumbered frame.
  • Information: The information field is used to carry the actual data being transmitted. It can contain up to 4095 octets of data.
  • FCS: The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field is used to check for errors in the transmission of the frame. It is a 16-bit field that is calculated by the transmitting device and verified by the receiving device.

2.2 Fields of an HDLC frame

Let’s take a closer look at the different fields of an HDLC frame:

  • Flag: The flag field is a delimiter that marks the beginning and end of an HDLC frame. It consists of a unique bit pattern (01111110) and is used to identify the start and end of each frame.
  • Address: The address field is used to identify the destination device or devices that the frame is intended for. The address field can be either one or two octets long, depending on the addressing mode being used. In the case of point-to-point communication, the address field is usually one octet long and identifies the destination device. In the case of multipoint communication, the address field can be two octets long and identifies the destination station and the logical link control (LLC) address.
  • Control: The control field is used to provide information about the type of frame being transmitted. The control field can be either one or two octets long, depending on the type of frame being transmitted. The control field can indicate whether the frame is a data frame, supervisory frame, or unnumbered frame.
  • Information: The information field is used to carry the actual data being transmitted. The information field can contain up to 4095 octets of data. In the case of a data frame, the information field contains the actual data being transmitted. In the case of a supervisory frame, the information field may contain sequence numbers, acknowledgment or negative acknowledgment (NAK) signals, and flow control information.
  • FCS: The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field is used to check for errors in the transmission of the frame. The FCS field is a 16-bit field that is calculated by the transmitting device and verified by the receiving device. The FCS field uses a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) algorithm to detect errors in the transmission of the frame.

2.3 Types of HDLC frames

There are three types of HDLC frames:

  • Data frame: The data frame is used to transmit user data over the network. The data frame consists of an address, control, information, and FCS field.
  • Supervisory frame: The supervisory frame is used to provide flow control and error control information. The supervisory frame consists of an address, control, and FCS field, and may also contain sequence numbers, acknowledgment or negative acknowledgment (NAK) signals, and flow control information.
  • Unnumbered frame: The unnumbered frame is used for various purposes, such as establishing and terminating a connection, exchanging configuration information, and performing loopback testing. The unnumbered frame consists of an address, control, information, and FCS field.

3. HDLC Transmission Modes

HDLC supports several transmission modes that define the way in which frames are transmitted between devices. Let’s take a closer look at the different HDLC transmission modes.

3.1 Normal Response Mode (NRM)

The Normal Response Mode (NRM) is a simplex transmission mode that is used for point-to-point communication between two devices. In NRM, the transmitting device sends a data frame to the receiving device, which acknowledges the receipt of the frame. NRM uses a stop-and-wait mechanism for flow control, where the transmitting device waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next frame.

3.2 Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM)

The Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM) is a half-duplex transmission mode that is used for multipoint communication between several devices. In ABM, any station can initiate a transmission, and all other stations receive the transmission. ABM uses a token-passing mechanism for flow control, where a token is passed from one station to another, allowing only the station with the token to transmit.

3.3 Asynchronous Response Mode (ARM)

The Asynchronous Response Mode (ARM) is a half-duplex transmission mode that is used for point-to-point communication between two devices. In ARM, either the transmitting or the receiving device can initiate a transmission. ARM uses a sliding window mechanism for flow control, where the transmitting device can send multiple frames before receiving an acknowledgment.

3.4 Synchronous Balanced Mode (SBM)

The Synchronous Balanced Mode (SBM) is a full-duplex transmission mode that is used for multipoint communication between several devices. In SBM, any station can initiate a transmission, and all other stations receive the transmission. SBM uses a sliding window mechanism for flow control, where the transmitting device can send multiple frames before receiving an acknowledgment.

3.5 Synchronous Response Mode (SRM)

The Synchronous Response Mode (SRM) is a full-duplex transmission mode that is used for point-to-point communication between two devices. In SRM, either the transmitting or the receiving device can initiate a transmission. SRM uses a sliding window mechanism for flow control, where the transmitting device can send multiple frames before receiving an acknowledgment.

4. HDLC Flow Control

Flow control is the process of regulating the rate at which data is transmitted over a communication channel. HDLC provides several flow control mechanisms to prevent data loss or corruption due to buffer overflow or underflow. Let’s take a closer look at the different HDLC flow control mechanisms.

4.1 Definition of flow control

Flow control is the process of regulating the rate at which data is transmitted over a communication channel. Flow control is necessary to prevent data loss or corruption due to buffer overflow or underflow.

4.2 Basic flow control mechanisms in HDLC

HDLC provides two basic flow control mechanisms:

  • Stop-and-Wait: In the Stop-and-Wait mechanism, the transmitting device waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next frame. The Stop-and-Wait mechanism is used in the Normal Response Mode (NRM) for point-to-point communication.
  • Sliding Window: In the Sliding Window mechanism, the transmitting device can send multiple frames before receiving an acknowledgment. The Sliding Window mechanism is used in the Asynchronous Response Mode (ARM) and the Synchronous Balanced Mode (SBM) for point-to-point and multipoint communication.

4.3 Window-based flow control in HDLC

HDLC also provides window-based flow control mechanisms, which allow the transmitting device to send multiple frames before receiving an acknowledgment. The window size defines the number of frames that can be sent before an acknowledgment is required.

4.4 Example of flow control in HDLC

Let’s take an example to understand how flow control works in HDLC. In the Stop-and-Wait mechanism, the transmitting device sends a frame to the receiving device, which sends an acknowledgment back to the transmitting device. If the transmitting device does not receive an acknowledgment within a specified time period, it retransmits the frame. In the Sliding Window mechanism, the transmitting device can send multiple frames before receiving an acknowledgment. The window size determines the number of frames that can be sent before an acknowledgment is required.

5. HDLC Error Control

Error control is the process of detecting and correcting errors in the transmission of data over a communication channel. HDLC provides several error control mechanisms to detect and correct errors in the transmission of data. Let’s take a closer look at the different HDLC error control mechanisms.

5.1 Definition of error control

Error control is the process of detecting and correcting errors in the transmission of data over a communication channel. Error control is necessary to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the transmitted data.

5.2 Error detection in HDLC

HDLC provides two error detection mechanisms:

  • Frame Check Sequence (FCS): The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field is used to check for errors in the transmission of the frame. The FCS field uses a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) algorithm to detect errors in the transmission of the frame.
  • Piggybacking: In the Piggybacking mechanism, the receiving device sends an acknowledgment with the next frame it transmits. The transmitting device uses the acknowledgment to detect errors in the transmission of the previous frame.

5.3 Error correction in HDLC

HDLC does not provide any error correction mechanisms. If an error is detected in the transmission of a frame, the frame is discarded, and the transmitting device retransmits the frame.

5.4 Example of error control in HDLC

Let’s take an example to understand how error control works in HDLC. In the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) mechanism, the transmitting device calculates the CRC value of the frame and appends it to the FCS field. The receiving device calculates the CRC value of the received frame and compares it with the FCS field. If the CRC values match, the frame is accepted. If the CRC values do not match, the frame is discarded.

6. HDLC Implementation

HDLC can be implemented in both software and hardware. Let’s take a closer look at the different HDLC implementation methods.

6.1 HDLC in software

HDLC can be implemented in software using a software library or a software driver. The software library provides a set of functions and APIs that can be used to implement HDLC in the software application. The software driver provides a device driver interface that can be used to interface with the HDLC hardware.

6.2 HDLC in hardware

HDLC can be implemented in hardware using a dedicated HDLC controller or a microcontroller with an integrated HDLC module. The HDLC controller provides a set of hardware registers and interfaces that can be used to configure and control the HDLC communication.

6.3 Example of HDLC implementation

Let’s take an example to understand how HDLC can be implemented. A microcontroller with an integrated HDLC module can be used to implement HDLC in hardware. The HDLC module provides a set of hardware registers and interfaces that can be used to configure and control the HDLC communication. The microcontroller can be programmed to interface with the HDLC module and to transmit and receive data over the HDLC communication channel.

7. HDLC vs Other Data Link Control Protocols

HDLC is a widely used data link control protocol in computer networks. Let’s compare HDLC with other data link control protocols to understand the similarities and differences.

7.1 HDLC vs Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a data link control protocol that is used for point-to-point communication between two devices. PPP provides several features, such as authentication and compression, which are not available in HDLC.

7.2 HDLC vs Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB)

Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) is a data link control protocol that is used for point-to-point communication between two devices. LAPB is a modified version of HDLC and provides some additional features, such as selective repeat and extended sequence numbering.

7.3 HDLC vs Ethernet

Ethernet is a data link control protocol that is used for local area networks (LANs). Ethernet uses a different frame format and operates at a higher speed than HDLC.

8. Conclusion

8.1 Summary of key points

High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) is a widely used data link control protocol in computer networks. HDLC provides several features, such as flow control and error control, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the transmitted data. HDLC can be implemented in both software and hardware and can be used for point-to-point and multipoint communication.

8.2 Future developments in HDLC

Future developments in HDLC may include the integration of new features, such as encryption and compression, to improve the security and efficiency of the transmitted data.

8.3 Final thoughts on HDLC

HDLC is a reliable and efficient data link control protocol that is widely used in computer networks. HDLC provides several features,

Error correction is the other key aspect of error control in HDLC. Once an error is detected, the receiver must take corrective action to ensure that the transmitted data is correctly received. HDLC uses two techniques for error correction: retransmission and selective retransmission.

Retransmission is a simple technique that involves the sender retransmitting the entire frame after a certain period of time if the acknowledgement is not received from the receiver. This method is called automatic repeat request (ARQ) and is used in both NRM and ABM modes. However, it can lead to unnecessary retransmissions of data that may already have been correctly received.

Selective retransmission, on the other hand, is a more efficient method of error correction that is used in SBM and SRM modes. With selective retransmission, the receiver sends a negative acknowledgement (NACK) to the sender for only the damaged frames, and the sender then retransmits only those damaged frames, rather than the entire message. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and retransmitted, improving overall efficiency.

An example of error control in HDLC can be illustrated as follows: suppose a data frame is transmitted by the sender, and during transmission, there is noise in the channel which causes the received frame to have an error. The receiver detects the error and sends a NACK to the sender requesting for retransmission of the frame. The sender retransmits the frame, and the process is repeated until the frame is received without errors. The process is then repeated for the next frame until all frames have been received correctly.

Overall, error control in HDLC is essential for ensuring reliable data transmission and minimizing the occurrence of errors during data transmission.

Thank you for joining me in this in-depth exploration of High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) in computer networks. I hope that this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of HDLC, its frame structure, transmission modes, flow control, error control, and implementation.

As we have seen, HDLC is a versatile and efficient data link control protocol that provides a reliable and efficient means of transmitting data over a wide range of network topologies and configurations. Its various transmission modes, flow control mechanisms, and error correction techniques make it a robust and flexible protocol that is widely used in many different applications.

If you have any questions or comments about HDLC or anything else related to computer networks, please feel free to reach out to me. I am always here to assist you with any questions or problems you may have. Thank you for reading!



Constantly learning & adapting to new technologies. Passionate about solving complex problems with code. #programming #softwareengineering

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