
C++ Objects Memory Allocation & using Arrays in Classes

C++ Objects Memory Allocation & using Arrays in Classes

C++ Objects Memory Allocation

In C++, objects are created dynamically using the new operator. When an object is created using new, memory is allocated for the object on the heap. The new operator returns a pointer to the memory location where the object is stored.

MyClass* myObject = new MyClass;

In this example, a pointer to a MyClass object is created and initialized with the address of the newly allocated memory.

It’s important to note that when an object is created using new, it must be deleted using the delete operator. This deallocates the memory that was allocated for the object.

delete myObject;

If an object is not deleted properly, it can lead to memory leaks, which can cause the program to consume more and more memory until it crashes.

Using Arrays in Classes

C++ allows you to create arrays of objects. This can be useful in situations where you need to work with a collection of objects of the same type.

MyClass myArray[10];

In this example, an array of 10 MyClass objects is created.

You can also create arrays of objects dynamically using the new operator.

MyClass* myArray = new MyClass[10];

In this example, an array of 10 MyClass objects is created dynamically and a pointer to the first element of the array is returned.

When you create an array of objects, each object is initialized using the default constructor for that class.

If you want to initialize each object with a different value, you can use a loop to set the values individually.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    myArray[i] = MyClass(i);

In this example, the loop initializes each object in the array with a different value, based on the loop counter.

When you’re finished with an array of objects created dynamically, you must delete the array using the delete[] operator.

delete[] myArray;

In this example, the entire array is deleted, which deallocates the memory that was allocated for all of the objects in the array.



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