Binary Synchronous Communications Protocol (BISYNC) in Computer Networks

Binary Synchronous Communications Protocol

Welcome to the world of Binary Synchronous Communications Protocol (BISYNC) in computer networks. In this article, we will be exploring every aspect of BISYNC in detail, from its architecture to its applications, and from its operation to its implementation.

I. Introduction

BISYNC is a data communications protocol that is used to synchronize data communication between two or more devices. It was developed by IBM in the 1960s and was widely used in the mainframe computer era. The protocol is a full-duplex protocol that uses a fixed-length frame format, which enables reliable data transfer over a communication link. In this section, we will be looking at the history of BISYNC and its use in computer networks.

  • Explanation of BISYNC

BISYNC is a synchronous data transmission protocol used to transmit data between two or more devices. It is a bit-oriented protocol, which means that it transmits data in bit form rather than in characters or blocks. BISYNC is a full-duplex protocol, which means that it enables two-way communication between devices. This protocol is widely used in the banking and financial industry and is still used today in some legacy systems.

  • Brief history of BISYNC and its use

BISYNC was developed by IBM in the 1960s and was widely used in the mainframe computer era. The protocol was used to transmit data between IBM mainframe computers and peripheral devices, such as printers and terminals. It was also used to connect mainframe computers to remote locations through leased lines.

Today, BISYNC is still used in some legacy systems, particularly in the banking and financial industry. However, it has largely been replaced by more modern protocols such as TCP/IP.

II. BISYNC Architecture

In this section, we will be looking at the architecture of BISYNC, including its physical and data link layer characteristics, as well as its control characters and framing.

  • Overview of BISYNC architecture

BISYNC is a layered protocol that operates at the physical and data link layers of the OSI model. The protocol uses a fixed-length frame format, which consists of a header, data, and trailer.

The header contains control information, such as the address of the destination device and the type of control character being used. The data field contains the actual data being transmitted, and the trailer contains a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value, which is used for error detection.

  • Physical and data link layer characteristics

BISYNC operates at the physical and data link layers of the OSI model. At the physical layer, the protocol uses a synchronous communication method that enables data to be transmitted in a continuous stream of bits. At the data link layer, BISYNC uses a fixed-length frame format and a sliding window flow control mechanism.

BISYNC uses a differential Manchester encoding scheme, which is a type of line code that encodes data by inverting the polarity of the signal at the midpoint of each bit interval. This enables the receiver to detect both the start and end of each bit.

  • Control characters and framing

BISYNC uses a number of control characters to manage communication between devices. These include the SOH (Start of Header), STX (Start of Text), ETX (End of Text), ENQ (Enquiry), ACK (Acknowledgment), NAK (Negative Acknowledgment), and EOT (End of Transmission) characters.

The protocol uses a fixed-length frame format, with a header, data, and trailer. The header contains control information, such as the address of the destination device and the type of control character being used. The data field contains the actual data being transmitted, and the trailer contains a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value, which is used for error detection.


In this section, we will be looking at the operation of BISYNC, including its connection setup and termination, data transfer process, and error detection and correction techniques.

  • BISYNC connection setup and termination

BISYNC uses a process called “link establishment” to set up a connection between two devices. This process involves exchanging control characters to establish the communication parameters, such as the address of the destination device and the frame format to be used.

Once the link is established, data can be transmitted between the devices. When the data transfer is complete, the link is terminated using a specific control character.

  • Data transfer process in BISYNC

BISYNC uses a sliding window flow control mechanism to ensure reliable data transfer between devices. This mechanism involves the use of a window, which is a range of sequence numbers that indicates the acceptable range of frames that can be transmitted.

The sender sends frames to the receiver and waits for an acknowledgment (ACK) or negative acknowledgment (NAK) response. If the receiver receives the frame correctly, it sends an ACK response, and the sender can send the next frame. If the receiver detects an error in the frame, it sends a NAK response, and the sender must retransmit the frame.

  • Error detection and correction techniques in BISYNC

BISYNC uses a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) technique to detect errors in transmitted data. The CRC value is calculated at the sender and is included in the trailer of each frame. The receiver calculates its own CRC value based on the received data and compares it to the CRC value in the trailer. If the two values match, the data is considered to be error-free. If they do not match, an error is detected, and the frame is discarded.

IV. BISYNC Applications

In this section, we will be looking at the common applications of BISYNC, the advantages and disadvantages of using BISYNC, and how it compares with other protocols.

  • Common applications of BISYNC

BISYNC is commonly used in the banking and financial industry, where it is used to transfer data between mainframe computers and peripheral devices, such as terminals and printers. It is also used in legacy systems that require reliable data transfer over a communication link.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of using BISYNC

The advantages of using BISYNC include its reliability, its ability to handle large amounts of data, and its compatibility with legacy systems. However, it has a relatively low data transfer rate compared to modern protocols such as TCP/IP, and it requires dedicated communication lines, which can be expensive.

  • Comparison with other protocols

BISYNC has largely been replaced by more modern protocols such as TCP/IP, which offer higher data transfer rates and greater flexibility. However, BISYNC is still used in some legacy systems and in the banking and financial industry, where reliability and compatibility with existing systems are important factors.

V. Implementation of BISYNC

In this section, we will be looking at the hardware and software components required for implementing BISYNC, the configuration and setup steps, and common troubleshooting issues.

  • Required hardware and software components

To implement BISYNC, you will need a compatible communication card or interface in each device, as well as communication software that supports the protocol. You will also need a dedicated communication line between the devices.

  • Configuration and setup steps

To set up BISYNC, you will need to configure the communication parameters, such as the address of the destination device and the frame format to be used. This can be done using a configuration utility or command-line interface.

Once the communication parameters are set, you can establish the link between the devices and begin transferring data.

  • Troubleshooting common issues

Common issues that may arise when using BISYNC include transmission errors, link establishment failures, and configuration issues. To troubleshoot these issues, you may need to check the communication parameters, the hardware and software components, and the communication line.

VI. Conclusion

In this article, we have looked at the Binary Synchronous Communications Protocol (BISYNC) and its use in computer networks. We have explored its architecture, operation, applications, advantages and disadvantages, and implementation.

While BISYNC has largely been replaced by more modern protocols, it is still used in some legacy systems and in the banking and financial industry. Its reliability and compatibility with existing systems are important factors in these industries.

The future of BISYNC is uncertain, as more modern protocols continue to emerge and legacy systems are gradually replaced. However, BISYNC’s legacy will continue to be felt in the development of modern communication protocols and the evolution of computer networks as a whole.

In conclusion, BISYNC remains an important part of the history of computer networks, and its contributions to the development of modern communication protocols cannot be ignored. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how BISYNC’s legacy is preserved and celebrated in the years to come.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on Binary Synchronous Communications Protocol (BISYNC) in computer networks. I hope that it has been informative and has provided you with a deeper understanding of this important protocol.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them. I would be happy to hear your thoughts and engage in a conversation about BISYNC or any other topic related to computer networks.

Thank you again for your interest in this topic, and I wish you all the best in your journey through the world of computer networks.



Constantly learning & adapting to new technologies. Passionate about solving complex problems with code. #programming #softwareengineering

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